5 Super Simple Ways to Save on Grocery Shopping

Super Simple Ways to Save on Grocery Shopping
It is inevitable that you must go to the grocery store. Eating out everyday for every meal is just more expensive. So you've decided to go, what now?  Most people often spends lots of money in the grocery store also without even thinking about it. 

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Of course, everyone knows about clipping coupons from the Sunday paper, but many of us don’t have time to clip coupons or if you are like me don’t even get the newspaper. That’s why I have found several ways to still save a huge amount of money on my groceries without clipping a single paper coupon.

1. Shop what is on sale- Look at the items that are on sale and start to think about your meals for the week based around those items. I mean it may get you to broaden your horizons and eat something new. It may also get the kids to try something they haven't tried before. Its a win-win for everyone.

2.Make a Meal Plan-After browsing through the sales ad, make out a meal plan for the week and STICK TO IT!!! This was very difficult for my family at first, but I noticed when we started writing our planned meals on the calendar that we were more likely to stick to.
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3. Buy the store brand whenever possible- We all have the certain brands that we love and that’s fine, but when you can substitute the brand name products for a store brand product that’s cheaper, do it. Generally, most store-branded products are actually made at the same factory as your favorite brand name products anyhow.
Sometimes I have noticed that the store’s brand of products is even better. So try to compare prices and if you see a store brand that is a little cheaper, give it a try. You might be surprised that it’s very similar. Or you might like the store brand more. Hey don't knock it until you try it. You may be pleasantly surprised.

4. Buy in BulkNow I’m not saying that you have to start buying everything in bulk (unless you have a huge family that is). Although, stocking up on a few items is a great idea, especially when they are on sale.
I love to stock up on a ton of things when they are on sale, especially anything that is unperishable or that I can toss in the freezer. One of the biggest things I stock up on is bread. When I see bread that’s marked down I grab 2 or more loaves for my toast and peanut butter and jelly sandwich-loving family.
And to keep it from going bad, I freeze it in our small chest freezer until we need another loaf. It’s that easy! And the best part is that the bread is just the same even after being in the freezer.

5. Money saving apps like Ibotta. Ibotta has become very popular in the last few years. Ibotta is cool because it finds the rebates for you. All you have to do is select your store and then click on the items that you have purchased.
After this simply scan the product that the rebate is for and take a picture of your receipt. That’s it! Instant cash in your Ibotta account. You can even link your store’s loyalty card to the app. It really is that easy.
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