Little Ways to Live Frugally

There are so many ways to live frugally, but it is hard to keep track of the all. There are times when I am fine financially and other times when it is hard to make ends meet. I've found that even in the good financial times, I must prepare for the inevitable times when we are not coasting along.

Most people could stand to be a little smarter with money management, right? If that sounds like you, take a look at my tips to live frugally listed below:

* Use home remedies and DIY whenever possible
*Water you lawn or garden at the coolest time of day
* Wash and reuse plastic baggies as long as they didn't have raw food in them
*Use reusable water bottles
*Grow your own fruits and vegetables
*Switch to energy saving light bulbs
* Save your pennies
* Start a carpooling group
*Weather strip your windows or doors to save on AC costs
* Join the rewards programs of the places you frequently shop
*Set up a direct deposit saving account so that you can deposit to savings easily
* Thrift shop before going to department stores
*Visit the sale/ clearance aisles before going to regularly priced items
*Combine your trips around town to be cost effective with fuel
*Take your kids to free events- libraries, community events etc
*Use a budgeting tool like MINT to keep track of spending
*Use cash whenever possible
*Make a grocery list and plan your trips accordingly before to make sure you get everything needed and have no impulse buys

Living frugally can be fun if you make it into little challenges to see how much money you can make or save, or how long you can go without buying new clothes etc.
If you're not used to living frugally, start with one or two items first that are most realistic to you. ..they'll be more likely to stick.

Image result for living frugally to save money


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